Hegu Acupoint Can Be Used For Beauty And Pain Relief

When there is an accumulation of impurities and dirt in your body, it will be reflected on your face. When you look in the mirror, if you see small pimples, spots, or blemishes on your face, it indicates that impurities and dirt have accumulated there. Some people not only have these issues on their faces but also on their hands and arms, making them appear dirty as well.

身上浊气、脏东西堆积多了都会反映在你的脸上。 你照照镜子,这脸上爱长小蝴蝶,小斑斑,小点点的,说明是浊气、脏东西淤积在那儿了。 有的人他不光脸上长,这个手上胳膊上也是看上去脏脏的。

Today, I'll teach you a set of acupressure techniques. Pressing on specific points can help release impurities and get rid of these small blemishes and spots. Open your palm and you'll see a line here, and there's also a line on the inside of your thumb, using these lines for reference.

今天教你一套按压方法。 按住这个地方帮你排浊气,去掉这些小斑小点的。 打开我们这个虎口看到这有条线吧,然后用我们的大拇指内侧也有条线。

These two lines align, and when you press inward with your thumb, it can be quite sore. This spot is known as our Hegu acupoint. Massage this acupoint, and you'll feel a significant tingling sensation. This acupoint is exceptionally effective. Alternate pressing with both hands for one minute each day. If you keep it up, you'll notice that the blemishes and spots on your face start to fade. This is because you've opened up the meridians in your body, and you've driven away the impurities.

这两条线对着,用大拇指往内一摁,特别的酸。这个地方就是我们的合谷穴。 按揉这个穴位,感觉很酸很涨。 这个穴位特别的有用。 用两个手交替按压,每天各1分钟。 你坚持下去会发现,脸上的斑斑点点开始消下去了。 因为你身上的这个经络气血打通了,浊气被你赶走了。

Hegu acupoint is a beauty and skincare acupoint. Skin problems such as melasma, freckles, acne, rosacea, skin allergies, dark circles under the eyes, and more can be improved by massaging both Hegu acupoints on your hands 30 to 50 times each daily until a tingling sensation spreads to your upper limbs. Over time, this can lead to noticeable cosmetic and skincare benefits.

Hegu acupoint is also an effective acupoint for pain relief. Toothaches, headaches, sore throat, and trigeminal neuralgia can all be treated by acupuncture or massaging this acupoint. In 1972, during his visit to China, U.S. President Nixon witnessed acupuncture anesthesia. Premier Zhou Enlai accompanied him as they observed the procedure. A fine silver needle was gently inserted into the Hegu acupoint in the patient's hand, and then an electric current was applied, effectively anesthetizing the patient. The patient showed no signs of pain during the entire prostatectomy procedure. This amazed President Nixon. The doctors explained to him that when the silver needle is inserted into the acupoint and the current is transmitted along the meridian to the head and neck, it can provide anesthesia.

合谷穴是个美容养颜穴,黄褐斑 、雀斑、痤疮、酒糟鼻 、皮肤过敏、黑眼圈等脸部皮肤问题可每天按摩两手合谷穴各30至50次,以产生的酸胀感传达到上肢为度,日久就可以达到美容养颜的明显功效。


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