Spine Stretch Action

You often find yourself sitting in the office for extended periods, and your neck and shoulders feel extremely stiff. When you stand up and walk around, you notice a discomfort in your back.

Let me teach you a movement called "The Immortal Spine Stretch." It's very simple.

  1. Stand with your feet apart, about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Then, use both your hands to support your shoulders.
  3. Try to widen your shoulders as much as possible, and gradually feel your whole body stretching and relaxing.

你经常在办公室里坐着啊,脖子、肩膀特别的僵。 站起来走一走觉得后面特别的不舒坦。

教你个动作叫"仙人拔脊",很简单。 两个脚分开站,跟肩膀一样宽。 然后接下来,用你的两个手去托住你的肩膀。 尽量把你的肩撑开,整个人慢慢感觉舒展开了。

Next, lift your two fingertips upwards, feeling a gentle stretch. Bring both palms together, then move them back towards the center of your head's top. Now, observe how your two fingers perform this motion. You can begin with one finger initially and then use two fingers like this. Keep your elbows apart, and then turn the fingertips back towards the center of the top of your head.

接下来两个指尖往上,感觉有被牵拉的感觉。 两个掌心合十,回来,然后对着你的头顶中心。 然后接下来你看,两个手指做这个动作。 你可以一开始用一个手指,两个手指这样对住了。 把手肘撑开,再将指尖反过来对着你的头顶心。

Many people, when they reach this stage, feel their back starting to open up, and suddenly, their whole body stretches and straightens. Hold this position for 30 seconds. If you consistently practice this movement for a month, you will noticeably find that your posture has improved when walking, and you'll feel more refreshed overall.

很多人做到这一步觉得后面开始撑开了,整个人一下子舒展挺拔起来。 坚持30秒钟。 这个动作坚持做一个月,你会明显发现走路变挺拔了。整个人精神不少.

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