Nourish the Liver and Kidneys

When the liver and kidneys are deficient, there are two methods to nourish them. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that the liver stores blood, and the kidneys store essence. The liver and kidneys share a common source, and essence and blood are generated together. Therefore, the liver and kidneys often thrive or decline together.

肝肾不足,两个方法补肝肾。 中医讲肝藏血,肾藏精,肝肾同源,精血同生。 所以肝肾往往是一荣俱荣,一损俱损。

Today, I will share two methods with you for nourishing the liver and kidneys together. The first method involves making chicken soup with cooked Rehmannia root (shu di huang) and goji berries (gou qi zi) to drink. Cooked Rehmannia root nourishes the blood, nourishes yin, and enhances essence. Goji berries nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit essence, and promote clear vision. Consuming these regularly can nourish and strengthen the liver and kidneys, and nurture one's essence and vitality.

今天我就和大家分享两个方法,肝肾同补。 第一可以用熟地黄,枸杞子来煲鸡汤喝。 熟地黄能补血滋阴,益精填髓。枸杞子能滋补肝肾,益精明目。经常吃可以补益肝肾,调养精气。

Additionally, we can regularly perform acupressure on the Taixi (Kidney 3) and Sanyinjiao (Spleen 6) acupoints. Taixi is located in the depression between the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon, and we can massage and press this area. Taixi is the source point of the Kidney meridian, so massaging and pressing this acupoint can have a tonifying effect on the kidneys.

另外我们平常也可以多按揉太溪穴和三阴交。 太溪穴位于内踝尖与根腱之间这个凹陷的地方,我们可以揉按这里。 太溪穴是肾经的原穴,所以揉按这个太溪穴可以有补肾的作用。

Sanyinjiao is located at the upper border of the medial malleolus, just behind the posterior edge of the tibia. This is the Sanyinjiao acupoint. Sanyinjiao is the intersection point of the Spleen meridian of the foot Taiyin, the Kidney meridian of the foot Taiyin, and the Liver meridian of the foot Jueyin. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, strengthen the spleen, and benefit the blood. Massage and press this acupoint for 3 to 5 minutes every day, until you feel a sense of soreness and fullness.

三阴交是内踝的上缘四横趾紧贴着颈骨的后缘。这个就是三阴交。 三阴胶是足太阴脾经,足太阴肾经和足厥阴肝经交汇之处。能滋补肝肾,健脾益血。 每天揉按3到5分钟,直至有酸胀感就可以了。

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