The Female Teacher Zhang Guimei

This is a story that moved the entire Chinese people. A female teacher devoted her entire life, enabling many girls in the mountains to receive education, freeing them from the pains of poverty. While we praise and admire this female teacher, we should also criticize the lazy governance of the ruling class.

Poverty alleviation was originally the government's responsibility. Why is it that so many people at the grassroots level cannot even afford to send their children to school? In the end, it's left to a female teacher to dedicate her life to saving these children. The official media consistently propagates the spirit of enduring hardship and selfless dedication, shifting the problem onto the populace. But what have the rulers done despite collecting so much money from taxpayers?

Below, we narrate the touching deeds of this great rural teacher.

This is a story that moved the entire Chinese people. A female teacher devoted her entire life, enabling many girls in the mountains to receive education, freeing them from the pains of poverty.

A girl from Northeast China went to teach in the mountains and noticed that there were fewer and fewer girls in the classrooms.

The dilemmas she faced during home visits reaffirmed her thoughts.

Eventually, she made a bold decision to establish a tuition-free girls' high school.

For this, she gave her all, and what fueled her wasn't love but her faith in the Party and the country.

Until the miracle happened, the notion that educating a girl can change three generations gained a more vivid explanation.

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