11 Continuing Forward

This year, Zhang Guimei turned 66.

She remains on the path of struggle, continuing to move forward.

Zhang Guimei donated all of her bonuses, donations, and most of her salary, totaling 1 million RMB, to the filial children in mountainous areas, investing it into the education sector.

Throughout her life, she has been awarded the titles of "National Advanced Worker," "National May Day Labor Medal," and "Top Ten Most Beautiful Countryside in China!"

These accolades bear witness to her selfless contributions, yet they are not what matters most to her.

She simply wants to see girls empowered with the ability to change not only their own destinies but also those of their parents and three generations of their families, courageously stepping out of the mountains.

All Zhang Guimei desires is to witness these girls have the eligibility and freedom to choose their own lives.

She has indeed achieved this.

Leading by example, pouring all her efforts, she has influenced batch after batch of students.

These students have been admitted to top-tier institutions, genuinely altering their fates.

Some of the girls have started families.

They have daughters who are exceptionally well cared for and incredibly beautiful. Their husbands, being only children themselves, do not favor boys over girls. The whole family lives in great happiness.

Some girls returned to school as teachers. Years ago, they were the only ones continuing their studies, thanks to Zhang Guimei who provided them with a chance to change their destinies. Now, they carry this gratitude back to their alma mater.

Some girls are making their way in big cities. They generously sent back their entire first month's salary to the school. They want to pass on this warmth and help more girls from the mountains.

This is what truly embodies "girls help girls!"

Because they've once been in the rain, they want to hold an umbrella for others.

But their donations were quickly returned. Zhang Guimei doesn't need them to do this. She hopes that the girls and their families can enjoy this salary. (Zhang Guimei's exact words)

This is what they deserve in return.

For this reason, Zhang Guimei has set a rule: "Once you leave this school, don't keep looking back, don't keep thinking about here."

"You must move forward, spend more time doing what you need to do. Wherever our country needs us, that's where we should go."

Truly, she doesn't need anything in return from her students.

As long as their futures are better and happier than hers, that's enough.

This is Zhang Guimei, an ordinary yet extraordinary woman.

Through her actions, she perfectly embodies the word "teacher."

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