The Story Behind The Song, 赤伶-李玉刚

After the July 7 incident In 1937, Japan accelerated its invasion of China. Many regions in the country turned out be in a mess.The small town Anyuan in Jiangxi Province is peaceful because it’s not affected by the war.1937年,“七七事变”发生后,日本加快了侵略中国的步伐,中国的很多地区陷入了战乱之中。而江西安远县这个小县城,因为暂未受到战火的波及,所以当地还一片祥和。 People will go to theater to listen Pei Yanzhi sing in Read more…

The Story Behind The Song, 吹梦到西洲-黄诗扶

无何化有 感物知春秋秋毫濡沫欲绸缪 搦管相留( Translate: )The hero perceived wars in the world in his dream, he decided to go out of the mountains to save the world. But the heroine wrote a letter to tell him she want to marry him, not to go.男主在梦境之中,感知到天下纷争,打算出山平定天下,拯救苍生。但是女主写了一封书信过来说想跟他结婚,要挽留他,叫他不要走。 留骨攒峰 留容映水秀留观四时曾邂逅 佳人西洲( Translate: )The hero comforted Read more…

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