Short Story – Catching The Moon

It’s a story of a young girl’s baseball dream. The book is called Catching the Moon, it’s recommended by American actor Kevin Costner and child star Jillian Estelle. You can find it at 这是一个关于小女孩棒球梦的故事,本书名叫《捕捉月亮》。由美国电影巨星凯文·科斯特纳和童星吉莉安·埃斯特尔推荐的真实故事。你可以在这里找到原始资料: Marcenia Lyle loved baseball.She loved the powdery taste of dust clouds as she slid through Read more…

Short Story – The House That Jane Built

Here is a real story introduced by American actress Kiernan Shipka, The House That Jane Built. You can find it at 这是一则由美国女演员Kiernan Shipka介绍的真实故事,《简建造的赫尔之家》。你可以在这里找到原始资料: A house stands on a busy street. Its doors are opened wide.To all who come, it bids good cheer.To some, it says, abide.In 1889, a wealthy Read more…

Mathematics MuLan | Sophie Germain

Mathematics mulan | Sophie Germain数学花木兰 | 索菲·热尔曼 Happy childhood 幸福的童年 Germain was born in a wealthy merchant family. When she was young, the social environment in France was not very good, and the society order was chaotic. In order to protect her, her parents made her stay at home to Read more…

The Story Behind The Song, 赤伶-李玉刚

After the July 7 incident In 1937, Japan accelerated its invasion of China. Many regions in the country turned out be in a mess.The small town Anyuan in Jiangxi Province is peaceful because it’s not affected by the war.1937年,“七七事变”发生后,日本加快了侵略中国的步伐,中国的很多地区陷入了战乱之中。而江西安远县这个小县城,因为暂未受到战火的波及,所以当地还一片祥和。 People will go to theater to listen Pei Yanzhi sing in Read more…

The Story Behind The Song, 吹梦到西洲-黄诗扶

无何化有 感物知春秋秋毫濡沫欲绸缪 搦管相留( Translate: )The hero perceived wars in the world in his dream, he decided to go out of the mountains to save the world. But the heroine wrote a letter to tell him she want to marry him, not to go.男主在梦境之中,感知到天下纷争,打算出山平定天下,拯救苍生。但是女主写了一封书信过来说想跟他结婚,要挽留他,叫他不要走。 留骨攒峰 留容映水秀留观四时曾邂逅 佳人西洲( Translate: )The hero comforted Read more…

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