Add Subdirectory In CMake Project

Add subdirectories and use VTK library and Qt in my projects. The file structure looks like the following image. projectB generates lib and dll files which will be used by projectA. projectA show a window and print message from Base class in projectB. The file CMakeLists.txt in the root directionary Read more…

The Sort And Operator[] Of QMap

sort The QMap object sorts the elements in it by key rather than the order of insert operation. Let’s see the following example. #include <iostream> #include <QMap> #include <QString> using namespace std; int main() { QMap<QString, int> vars; vars.insert( “ABD”, 1 ); vars.insert( “ABE”, 2 ); QMapIterator<QString, int> it( vars Read more…

QT – Common Setting For Window

Borderless window: setWindowFlags( Qt::FramelessWindowHint ); Set background color: QPalette pal = mainWin->Getui().qvtkWidget->palette(); pal.setColor( QPalette::Background, Qt::black ); setAutoFillBackground( true ); this->setPalette( pal ); Make window stay on the top level: setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint) Remove maximize button in widget: setWindowFlags( this->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint ); Definite buttons on title bar: setWindowFlags( Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint); //Only Read more…

QT – QTest event, QSignalSpy and installEventFilter

The interfaces can imitate users’ operations. QTest::keyClick QTest::keyPress QTest::mouseClick QSignalSpy listens for signal emission, it is a list of QVariant lists. It will not shield off signal to make slot invalid. QCheckBox *box = …; QSignalSpy spy(box, SIGNAL(clicked(bool))); //… QList arguments = spy.takeFirst(); // take the first signal QVERIFY( == Read more…

Unit Test Based On QT

Simple Unit Test Project Let’s create a new unit test project firstly. Write our test functions in feild private Q_SLOTS for the class. tst_string.cpp: #include <QString> #include <QtTest> class String : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: String(); private Q_SLOTS: void toUpper(); }; String::String() { } void String::toUpper() { QVERIFY2(true, “Failure”); Read more…

Tex To PDF
: convert the Latex file which suffix is tex to a PDF file