Put Item In Right Status By Pose Transform

We create a simple scene for the first time, cone and axes are in the point (0, 0, 0). #include <iostream> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkConeSource.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkLineSource.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkAxesActor.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkXMLPolyDataReader.h> #include <vtkCharArray.h> #include <vtkPointData.h> #include Read more…

Make Model Always On Top

We can find that vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation supports to set 3D model always above other objects. // Create the contour widget vtkSmartPointer<vtkContourWidget> contourWidget = vtkSmartPointer<vtkContourWidget>::New(); // Override the default representation for the contour widget to customize its look vtkSmartPointer<vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation> contourRepresentation = vtkSmartPointer<vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation>::New(); // … contourWidget->SetRepresentation(contourRepresentation); contourRepresentation->SetAlwaysOnTop( true ); I readed the code Read more…

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