Wolfram – Handle Images

Capture an image from the camera. CurrentImage[] We can use function blur to change our image, the interface Manipulate will help us to display different levels dynamically. To find important colors in the image. Convert the original image to a white and black image: To find sharp changes in the Read more…

Wolfram – Basic Graphics Objects

We always use function Graphics and Graphics3D to represent items in the Wolfram Language. Use RegularPolygon to draw a triangle. Graphics[RegularPolygon[3]] Make a red octagon. Graphics[Style[RegularPolygon[8], Red]] Make a list whose elements are disks with hues varying from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1. Table[Graphics[Style[Disk[ ], Hue[n]]], {n, 0, Read more…

: Input your strings, the tool can convert XML to JSON for you.