3D Model Editor – Screen Shot

We support to get a screen shot for 3D Model Editor now. You can click on the button screen shot on the right part of html page. Then the scene will be saved as an image to your local disk. The tool link: https://www.weiy.city/functions/3D-Model-Editor/

Why Does The Canvas Id On HTML Page Have To Be `canvas` For VTK WebAssembly?

I got the following error information on the web page if I change the id of canvas to be ‘canvas1’. The function USDL2OpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow is similar to vtkSDL2OpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow. We can read VTK and SDL library source code and find these code snippets. File: video\emscripten\SDL_emscriptenvideo.c device->CreateSDLWindow = Emscripten_CreateWindow; static int Emscripten_CreateWindow(_THIS, SDL_Window Read more…

New Tool – Adage

We provide a page of random proverbs, sayings, and stories. 我们上线了一个随机展示谚语、格言、故事的页面。 You just need to click the update button to see the new results in the text box. 你只需要点击一下Update按钮,就能在文本框中看到新的结果。 Link:https://www.weiy.city/adage/

XOR Strings
: Input your strings, the tool can encrypt and decrypt them.